Sunday, November 23, 2014

Two Years

November 24th

Monday is our two year anniversary! Two years with the most wonderful husband. Some say we are still in the honeymoon phase because of how little we've lived together. It's probably true. There is the exciting feeling of new when we get to be together, but also the wonderful feeling of an old love, as if we've been married for eternity. Mark was a fun friend, the most trusting boyfriend, and kindest fiancĂ©. Every day he is a better husband. 

When we were engaged, I was going off to Navy training. We didn't think I would be able to have my phone for 5 weeks so we decided it would be fun to write love letters to each other. Turns out I could use my phone after a couple days if I was sneaky, but we were committed. I pulled out the letters the other day and couldn't believe how awesome they are. We were so sweet. 

On our wedding day Mark had one of his groomsmen bring me a bouquet of roses. With them was the sweetest note.  I'm overwhelmed with how true my husband's words have been and how much he continues to love me. 

Cheers! To two years and what's still to come! 

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