Let's just say the nesting kicked in, and I got a little surge of energy. I installed a shelf and mirror all by myself...into dry wall. It was tough, heavy, and is probably crooked. Last minute purchases arrived and swaddles were dip-dyed. Art still isn't framed, but I have a hard time wanting to spend money on those things right now. The far window still needs curtains that I'm being very fickle about. Hence the lack of photos of that wall. If only I had two more matching lace panels. Baby Bloom's book collection is lacking, but we will build that over time. I was a slow starter in that department too. But don't ask Mary Kate, she'll tell you I didn't learn the alphabet till I was 12.
The house has been deep cleaned three times now. I'm over that and the dog hair. I did about 100 loads of laundry last week. I refolded all of the extra linen in my house and tucked them away nicely into closets. Baby Blooms clothes are cleaned, folded, and organized. I am in major need of Tea Tree Oil and Summer House candles to make this place sparkle and smell nice before she comes. If you haven't cleaned with this Tea Tree oil, you probably don't like to clean. A last minute run needs to involve new shower curtain liners, dishwasher detergent, and trash bags. Its the small things I don't feel like buying, but a clean and fresh house to come home to will be the best. I've started filling my fridge with things I know Mark and our families would eat. Living alone usually means a very empty fridge. The cinnamon rolls are waiting, and I am being very good not to eat them. Its almost as much torture as waiting for this baby. My gas tank remains full because I am notorious for driving it till it says 1 mile left. I finally packed my hospital bag last week when I convinced myself I was in labor. I since then realized the bag only contained items for myself and none for Baby Bloom. I feel like baby prep is done and I am just waiting now.
Mark and I planned out every good case scenario for the timing of this birth. All worked around his games and travel schedule so that he makes it in time and doesn't miss a single game. He hopes for September 7th, I hope for tomorrow. My sister reminded me that I need to pray and ultimately this baby is coming when God plans for her to. I pray for peace because I am truly over thinking the timing and if Mark will be there. There isn't a plan Mark and I could make for her arrival that is better than God's. We have already been blessed with the timing of this pregnancy. This season seems to have flown by with great excitement and anticipation for our new family. It is also very hard to feel alone with Mark being gone while I have our little baby growing inside of me. I know that whenever she comes, Mark and I will feel the most blessed!
So here's to the final stretch. I am going to rest.