And smiling she is. She's such a dear child. I wake up and look down to find her awake and calm in her bassinet. Once she sees me or Mark or Dagny, who ever gets to Pip first, her face lights up. Her eyes sparkle and she smiles ear to ear at us.
Pippa is two months old. Where did the time go. The other morning, Dagny bonked Pippa in the head so hard. Pippa started crying and it literally made my heart hurt. She cried big fat tears and wailed just like you think a baby would when something really hurts. I started to feed her and she calmed down. Then I started thinking about how unfamiliar the sound of her cry is. Not in a bragging my baby never cries way, oh wait, yes, exactly in that way. Pippa never cries. In the middle of the night when she is hungry I just hear her awake and breathing fast through her nose while she wiggles. When we change her diaper or clothes…nothing. She'll squawk when she starts to get hungry, and if I ignore her long enough, she'll start to cry, but more like a yell haha. A sad cry like that morning? Hardly ever. What a good thing.
Having a second child and being a mother or two hasn't been hard. My mornings are still calm and wonderfully full of coffee and messes. My days are full of sisters loving on each other and snuggling a baby. Maybe its not as easy to go out and about. I do miss the convenience of the days I could wear my baby around and be hands free. Taking the two girls out by myself is not speedy or without struggles. There is a lot of planning that goes into it. But it's getting a little easier now that I'm more familiar with my immediate surroundings and Pippa's feeding demands are fewer.
Two is the best. Two children. Two girls. A two year old, a two month old. Two parents together.