Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Goodbye Canada

Tonight Dagny and I fly back to the States. She will miss Mark for about 2 weeks. She will miss the simple life we've lived the last two months with my undivided attention. She will miss the busy city walks and train horns. And she will miss all of her uncles on Mark's teams. Mostly, I think she will miss the American Flag hanging over Mark's couch.

So goodbye Old Glory, I'm sure we'll see you soon. And goodbye Canada, we hope to see you next year.

Monday, October 20, 2014

The Blooms

That time Clay came over to film our family for All For One.

Watch the episode here, and the extended version here.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Thanksgiving! In Canada...

Thanksgiving is at the tip top of my list when it comes to favorite Holidays. When I realized the whole country would be celebrating their Thanksgiving on Monday, I couldn't help but take a little part in it. All three of us slept in, drank coffee in bed and for one day we listened to Handel's Messiah. It's off limits every year till our real Thanksgiving so I got to cheat! 

I asked Mark what his favorite Thanksgiving dessert was and he came back with chocolate Oreo pie. I don't know if there is anyone in the world that eats this pie on Thanksgiving. As yummy as it sounds, it wasn't what I had envisioned. So we decided on pumpkin pie, a Thanksgiving classic. One that I never really enjoy during Thanksgiving because it will always come second to apple pie in my book. There aren't enough days after Thanksgiving of eating warm apple pie with ice cream for breakfast. It's what I had for breakfast on my wedding day! But the pumpkin was great. Mark doesn't have measuring spoons, so we eye balled the salt, cinnamon, ginger, and cloves, but it turned out perfect. A couple of his teammates came over and ate one pie. I'm still enjoying the other for breakfast. 

A Happy Canadian Thanksgiving! I was thankful for Mark having the day off and our sweet Dagny.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Our smiley baby is even smilier. It's the gummiest, open mouth smile, and when she really gets going she throws her head back smiling. Speaking of gummy, that is Dagny's name according to Hank. 

She is happy 99% of the time. When she's not, she's usually tired and just wants us to walk around the apartment a couple times so she can fall asleep. Mark loves to take her onto the balcony all bundled up and rock in the rocking chair. He lives over the train tracks so the loud noises do the trick. Her naps have gotten longer and more consistent. When she's awake she loves to stand and wiggle or look at the American flag over Mark's couch. She's even better at night. We've learned that the when she feeds around 7:00 or 8:00 pm that's the time to put her in her jammies because she will sleep till 1:00am. We used to try and get another feed in there around 11, but she'd still wake up at 1 or 2. After her 1:00 am feed she wakes up again around 5:00 am. I'd say we're doing really well. She occasionally has a bad night because she's spitting up and can't get comfortable. It's my favorite to then let her sleep on her side next to me for a little while. I am pretty sure the culprit of her upset tummy is my love for ice cream, so we are cutting that out😓. The things I do for her...

Her eyes are much bluer, she has lost almost all of the hair she was born with, and she kicked the baby acne. She doesn't seem bigger to me except for in the thighs. Last week she weighed 10lbs. She loves getting a bath and that belly loves to float. She isn't much of a talker yet, but still grunts. When she does let out a coo it's the sweetest noise! 

She loves to suck on her fingers.

The sweetest sleepy face in the morning.
Throwing her head back smiling at Mark.

Most of her naps during the day are in this spot. 
A little seal.
I mean come on...

The Blooms

Sunday, October 12, 2014

A few things that made my week

Mark, Dagny and I went on a date to our favorite Italian restaurant in Yorkville.
Last year...

This year! But really this carrier. Most restaurants, shops, and cafés are tiny and easier to enjoy without a stroller. It took a sad, thirsty walk with the stroller to figure out. Everywhere I had planned on going was up three steps through a narrow old doorstep.

Clem sent me this gorgeous sheepskin that came straight from the farm we grew up next to. It puts Dagny to sleep like magic! 
The morning we ran out of coffee. Even though I'm an avid coffee drinker, it was so nice to have tea instead.

This daily view on our walks and these boots. I haven't taken them off since I got to Toronto.

Her toes and her donkey kicks.