Friday, September 25, 2015

Mornings with Dagny...

Dagny is waking up very early on my days off. But since the day she was born, our mornings together are my favorite. 

Saturday, we went to the beach to watch the sunrise. 

We walked to Mary Kate's for waffles and coffee since my parents left less than crumbs in their house. 

On sunday I decided to let the Perkins have an extra hour to themselves and took Dagny to seaside at 7 am. She was still in her jammies, I had amavida coffee and we shared a bacon egg and cheese biscuit in Cinderella circle. Dagny walked around, stopping to wave and smile at anyone that passed by. It was the best.

At home we are building forts and playing "where's Dagny?" She is closing every door 1000 times. She walks and swings her arms or runs at me squealing. She is as chatty and busy as can be. I feel like this is the best age, but I know I said that a month ago! 

1 comment:

  1. Have you done "Slooowly I crept up on the monster who had wrecked my life......".
    Maybe you'd better wait a while on that one...ask your mama what she thinks.

    The photo of convulsed Dagny by the crib is priceless.
