Monday, September 29, 2014

Remi and Dagny

Mary Kate and I were so happy to find out we were pregnant at the same time. A dream come true to have newborn twins. It was a long nine months with out Mark, but I will always treasure that time with my sister.  It wasn't until the day Remi was born and I had to say goodbye to Mary Kate that I realized the gaping hole she had been filling while Mark was away. God blessed me with a pretty incredible family. My maternity leave isn't long and I will be back with them soon enough. While in Toronto, my heart is full with my own little family.

Since we've been gone, Dagny and I feel like we are separated from our twins. So Mary Kate and I send each other these daily...

Talk about twins.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

In One Month


Mastered breastfeeding.
Mastered smiling.
Went to the beach.
Spent the week with her grandparents.
Stole Mary Kate's heart.
Watched her daddy on T.V.
Met her cousins, aunts and uncles
Taught Remi a few things about being a newborn.
Learned how to sleep in her own bed.
Became a world traveler. 
Snuck across the border.
Had her own personal driver. 
Became a city girl.
Figured out that all she has to do is sneeze to melt her daddy's heart. 
Gained lots of weight.
Laughed in her sleep. 
Gave her mama the serious face.
Got her first case of baby acne. 
Went to a BBQ. 
Met Michael Bradley.
Met a lot of other professional soccer players. 
Made some new friends.
Went to her first soccer game.
Watched her daddy play soccer.
Established a pee face. 
Made the sweetest noises.
Figured out how to scoot. 
Made her television debut. 

Her first month is going to be tough to top, but with a start like that Dagny's a winner.

Monday, September 15, 2014

This Girl

Dagny, the smiliest newborn, has the sweetest personality already. If that's even possible. She is calm, quiet and content 99% of the time. Happiest in our arms, asleep on our chests. Mark and I call her baby hulk because she can go from perfectly still to the angriest baby in a second. By angry I mean her face gets really red and she lets out one squawk louder and bigger than her body. She rarely cries, but just grunts and wiggles till we change her position. If you try to wake her from a long nap, she wrinkles her brow, turns her head and grumbles in protest to the thought of waking up. I've had to train myself to ignore those little grumbles and grunts during the night as she works on getting comfortable. When she is awake, she is bright eyed and wiggly. She has a good two hour stretch most evenings and mornings when she's happily awake with out any needs. The other hours she's sleeping. Dagny is a great eater and usually takes in more than her tummy can bare. Our mornings are calm and cozy just the two of us while Mark is at practice. When he gets home, I rarely get to hold her.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Dagny Clementine Bloom

Morning has broken, like the first morning
Blackbird has spoken, like the first bird
Praise for the singing, praise for the morning
Praise for the springing fresh from the word

Sweet the rain’s new fall, sunlit from heaven
Like the first dewfall, on the first grass
Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden
Sprung in completeness where his feet pass

Mine is the sunlight, mine is the morning
Born of the one light, Eden saw play
Praise with elation, praise every morning
God’s recreation of the new day

My heart is overflowing. Each day is happier than the last with this sweet baby of ours. We love you Dagny.